9 Halloween Film Ideas

Exorcism Films The Conjuring (2013) Based on a true story, the premise contains a family, a new country home in Harrisville, Rhode Island and a hostile demonic presence. It is then that a married pair of demonologists with psychic powers and exorcism training get involved. This film borrows from every demon story and haunted house cliché […]

Gone Girl 8/10

Nick Dunne – husband, brother, son… murderer? Is he responsible for his wife’s disappearance? This question definitely keeps the viewers guessing for the first half of David Fincher’s enthralling, warped, mysterious adaptation of Gillian Flynn’s best-selling novel of the same name. Gone Girl seems to be, on the surface, nothing more than an enigmatic film, […]

Annabelle 5/10

The plot follows the expected traditions of a typical possession horror movie; expectant wife, Mia, who collects dolls, receives beautiful, rare, vintage Annabelle, as a gift from her husband, John. However, two members of a satanic cult, who, after just sacrificing their neighbours in an attempt to conjure an evil spirit, then violently attack the […]